Only your imagination sets the boundaries, with a crochet hook set, a good quality of yarn and your hands you can create wonders. If you already have the idea and the skills, then all you need to is find a good and ergonomic crochet set so you can craft great creations without getting tired in your hands after a short period. If you are new to this hobby, it is very possible that you have doubts about sizes, materials and models. There are many different crochet hooks, and each has their own individual purpose. Are you not yet sure what you want to create, you can cover all bases from the start by buying a crochet hook set in a model you like if you get a set with proper quality of materials, and different sizes, then you are all set. We sell some of the best crochet hooks sets on the market - including Clover, at good and cheap prices all year round. During our special sales, you can find some of our most popular brands on sale.
Buy a set of crochet pins that cover all sizes
There are plenty of different sizes when it comes to crochet hooks – while you can get away with using one size, the more sizes you own the more beautiful and more advanced patterns you can create. If you are a beginner, it may be an advantage for you to buy a set of different sizes of crochet hooks rather than just buying a pair. With a crochet hook kit, you will be able to create everything from very small patterns, up to the big patterns that require 6 mm or even 10 mm hooks. You may not be able to use your entire set of crochet hooks from the start, but you will never feel limited when you discover a new and exciting pattern that you would like to crochet. It’s better to have the hooks in advance than to realize all of a sudden you need a different hook.
This is a nice and relaxing hobby you can enjoy without paying a fortune - buy a crochet hook and challenge yourself. You can also find circular hooks, and the biggest difference between the two types is that the circular ones are ideal for big items such as shawls and dresses or decorative items such as blankets, mats and many other things.
Protect your hands and buy an ergonomic crochet hook set
Whether you are a beginner or experienced with a set of crochet hooks, it is always important that the set is ergonomically shaped. An ergonomically shaped crochet hook set is made to fit perfectly in your hands, so you can crochet for hours without getting a pain in your hands. If, on the other hand, they are not ergonomically shaped, you will feel it very quickly and it will be harder to achieve the desired result. This is especially true for beginners who tend to squeeze harder around the crochet hooks because it takes time to get comfortable with the technique.
Having a crocheted hook that is ergonomically shaped can mean that they have the so-called soft grip - the grip is shaped to follow your hands' movements instead of fighting their movements.
Find the perfect crochet set for you - maybe you'll discover a new favorite
A good and ergonomically shaped crochet hook set can consist of many different types of materials. Depending on your personal tastes and needs, each kind of material has its advantages. If you are experienced at crochet, you may already have a favourite. If you are a beginner, then this is the perfect time to explore the different materials and find your favourite.
To achieve a tip that is as sharp as possible and thus get a better grip on the masks, it may be worth going for a steel or aluminium crochet hook set. These are both strong and moldable materials that you can enjoy for many years. Aluminium is among the lightest materials available, which also makes it more comfortable to use for those long sessions. Aluminium crochet sets are nickel-free and can be used by people with nickel allergy. However, if you like a crochet hook set with needles that are as quiet as possible, for instance, if you want to use it on the train, you can choose materials like bamboo or birch. When these two materials are compared to each other, birch is stronger which makes it possible to put more pressure on the tip than bamboo. Therefore, it is advantageous for small patterns to choose birch rather than bamboo.
Metallic hooks are generally smoother than those made of wood. This may be an advantage, as the masks will slip easier. The closest to a mix of these two materials are plastic or other materials with plastic-like characteristics. Here the smooth properties of the metals can be combined with the silent and nickel-free properties of wood.
Many people who crochet have not just one favourite but have different favourites according to the need to crochet. For example, some prefer an ergonomic hook made of metals to crochet small patterns. This is because most of these metals are the best option, as they have sharper ends. When crocheting larger patterns, it is often not important that a crochet needle set has as sharp a tip as possible, for large patterns, however, it is advantageous to crochet with large wooden crochet hooks.
No matter what material your favourite crochet hook kit will consist of, you can be sure that after a while, they feel comfortable in your hands, and the more you use them, the more experience you will get.
Challenge yourself with your crochet hook set and expand your techniques
With an ergonomic crochet hook set of different sizes, only the imagination sets the limits. Crochet is in many ways similar to knitting - with the crochet hook set of different sizes, there are many different techniques to crochet. If you are experienced and curious about new methods, you may want to try Tunisian crochet - also called Afghan crochet, is a crochet technique that gives your finished creations a knitted appearance. It's a fresh and exciting breath of creativity, especially for those who want variation in their creations.
If you interested in this method, then you can find a good and ergonomic Tunisian crochet hook set right here on our website. If you're in need of help to get started with this method, then you can find a lot of answers online, or you can ask for help in your local yarn shop.
Save money and time by purchasing your crochet hooks online right here
Whether you're interested in a cool and ergonomic crochet hook set in metal, plastic or wood, a clover or as a hinge set, you can buy it cheap here with us. We have good and cheap prices all year round. We do not believe that high quality should come at a high cost especially not on a good crochet hook set. In addition to offering cheap prices, we are open 24 hours a day, all year long. This allows you to shop online whenever you have time for it.
Crocheting is a nice hobby, that you can enjoy without paying a fortune - buy a crochet set and challenge yourself.